
Vaitape Bora Bora
Centre commercial de Mautara
à l'étage
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Lymphatic drainage is a manual technique that aims to improve or regulate lymphatic circulation. It has a curative as well as a preventive effect.
Lymphatic drainage is a real energy boost for the body. It causes an immediate feeling of well being.
It is a treatment of choice for:
- Reduce edemas
- Lymphatic and / or venous circulation disorders (heavy legs)
- Regenerate tissues
- Improve the aesthetic problems of the face
- Fight against fatigue and stress
- Eliminate toxins and waste
- Strengthen the immune system
- Stimulate lymphatic circulation
- Reduce cellulite
It is a technique that drains excess fluids from the body and improves so-called "return" circulation. This drainage is carried out, unlike a massage, in a very delicate, slow manner, with very light pressure.
Several of my clients ask me these questions:
Why is it so sweet? they look like caresses!
Because it has on the one hand a relaxing and analgesic action, and on the other hand, because the lymphatic vessels are so thin "like silk threads" that one would compress these vessels if one pressed very hard. So there would be no drainage but a massage.
Why do we start drainage with movements on the neck and behind the head (called opening and emptying movements)?
These are movements that are practiced on the sides of the neck and behind the head to "open", "empty" the lymphatic chains. They should be done at the start of any treatment for a good drainage effect. Indeed, the arrival station of the lymph must be free to be able to receive the liquid coming from the other parts of the body. In addition, this maneuver can help in the diagnosis: if there is pain, the lymph nodes may be in contact with the infectious agents.
What is lymph?
It is a colorless and transparent liquid that circulates in the lymphatic vessels of our body.
How does the lymph circulate?
In our body there are 2 types of circulation: blood and lymphatic. The first is characterized by the supply of blood through the arteries, the return of blood through the veins, and a pump (the heart), which regulates everything. Lymphatic circulation is only said to be “back”. It circulates in the lymphatic vessels in the opposite direction of gravity. It rises (head and neck excepted) to the neck and returns to the blood, perfectly free of toxins.
How does she go back up since there is no "pump"?
In the lymphatic vessels there are "lymphangions" which contract 5 to 10 times per minute. They are the ones who move the lymph forward by contracting. The lymphatic vessels, which run parallel to the arterial vessels, are stimulated by heart impulses.
What is a lymph node?
We have 600-700 lymph nodes in the body, they are 6-7mm in diameter. These are "filter stations". The lymph arrives in the lymph nodes, it is cleaned and comes out. It continues on its way to the next ganglion which continues to eliminate foreign bodies (bacteria, viruses, etc.). The ganglion also produces immune cells. When the lymph gets to the neck, it is completely sterilized and can go back into the bloodstream.
What is manual lymphatic drainage used for?
It has therapeutic and aesthetic effects: It is used primarily to deflate the tissues, (anti-edematous) it is analgesic and relaxing, it has an immune and healing effect, it is regenerating. It can improve: acne, (facial drainage) digestive problems, cellulite, heavy legs, circulation, (stomach, lower back and leg drainage) swollen hands and fingers (arm drainage) etc ...
Why, during a drainage, do not turn on the stomach to treat the back of the legs?
Because we follow the direction of the lymph, in order to get it to the lymph nodes in the groin, a very important filtering station.
Why does the therapist ask questions before treatment, such as “do you have a fever, or do you have a tumor?…” Why shouldn't we do manual lymphatic drainage when we are sick?
During an infection, the bacterial or viral agent is found very quickly in the lymph before arriving in the filtering station (lymph nodes). These then swell rapidly to accommodate a large number of immune cells targeting the agent in question. They therefore constitute a barrier against dissemination. Draining at this time would only diffuse the infection to the next node station, harming the patient, while letting the immune cells do their job, the problem would resolve itself.
On the other hand, if the acute situation is resolved (no more fever and pain) lymphatic drainage is indicated to clean the tissues of any stagnation and then eliminate bad toxins. Thus, in prevention, drainage is recommended to improve immunity.
Are there any other contraindications for performing manual lymphatic drainage?
Yes, it should not be done in case of malignant or suspected tumors, or tuberculosis. This is for the same reason as for the acute infection. Indeed, unless authorized by the medical profession, we do not practice drainage, because cancer cells could move more quickly in the body. Likewise for tuberculosis, which is a bacterial disease, the bacillus in question could migrate very quickly into the lymphatic circulation, which would cause the disease to worsen.
On the other hand, it can be practiced in cases of renal and cardiac insufficiency, taking precautions, that is to say, that we will perform the drainage on one limb at a time, in order to avoid the arrival of too much fluid, while allowing the patient to reduce the volume of his edemas. It can also be practiced on a person with hyperthyroidism or asthma, by being "very light" in the movements of opening and emptying the lymph.
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